Montréal, le 6 décembre 2023 – The Major Industrial Accidents Reduction Council (CRAIM), held its annual general meeting at the Club de Golf Métropolitain Anjou last Wednesday. This was an opportunity for the President, Mr. Dimitri Tsingakis to review the activities...
This fact sheet aims to clarify the concept of the safety perimeter used during an emergency response involving hazardous substances and that of the emergency measures planning zones established in the environmental emergency plans required by the Regulation...
Le CRAIM vous offre la possibilité de participer à un atelier sur le Règlement sur les urgences environnementales ainsi que sur les plans d’urgence en relation avec le RUE. Cet événement a pour objectifs de vous faire connaître les obligations auxquelles doit se...
A plant experienced a piping leak and could not shutdown to properly repair it. Using their leak clamp procedure, they consulted the required experts and approved use of a temporary clamp for 6 months. After that time, the status of the clamp was to be reviewed,...
Washington D.C., April 28, 2022 – Today, the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) released a new safety video on its investigation into a massive explosion and fire that occurred in May of 2019 at the AB Specialty Silicones facility in Waukegan, IL. The incident...