Twenty years ago, a group of CCPS member company representatives met and determined that a new process safety tool was needed. That tool was meant for frontline employees mainly operations and maintenance personnel. The outcome was the CCPS Process Safety Beacon. From the first edition in November of 2001 as a text document, the committee has published it monthly and it is now emailed to over 30,000 subscribers. The readership has grown from a few hundred to an estimated 1 million.
The Beacon is intended to provide a process safety message for frontline employees that can be shared, posted on bulletin boards, used in toolbox meetings and for safety moments to remind people about process safety topics.
Across its 20 year history, 200+ Beacons have been published; you can access them through the Process Safety Beacon Archive at :
The Beacon sharing process safety lessons for 20 years!
Read the September 2021 issue
Read the October 2021 issue
Read the November 2021 issue