The CIRANO 2021 Barometer on the Risk perception in Quebecwritten by Nathalie De Marcellis-Warin and Ingrid Peignier (with the collaboration of Thomas Gleize and Juliette Lhuisset) provides an update on Quebecers’ concerns and perceptions of 54 societal issues, such as access to health services and education, climate change, vaccination, data sharing, the public debt, the rising cost of living, real estate and major energy projects.

As in 2020, the year 2021 was obviously marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and it’s in this context that the collection of this edition of the CIRANO Barometer took place in August 2021. We are no longer at the beginning of the crisis and knowledge about the virus has advanced as the rate of vaccination, but at the time of the survey the population was still living at the pace of the pandemic, marked by strict health rules, travel restrictions and recommendations to telework. Although the CIRANO Barometer covers much broader issues than those directly related to the pandemic, we have nevertheless kept in mind, throughout our analyses, the human and economic consequences of this crisis, which of course influence Quebecers’ perceptions.


Visit the Barometer website