A plant experienced a piping leak and could not shutdown to properly repair it. Using their leak clamp procedure, they consulted the required experts and approved use of a temporary clamp for 6 months. After that time, the status of the clamp was to be reviewed, evaluated and if acceptable, reapproved by the proper people.
Two years later this clamp started to leak. The reevaluations and reapprovals had not taken place and the clamp remained in service for much longer than allowed by the company’s policies and procedures.
A pipe clamp is a temporary solution when proper repairs cannot be made. It is weaker than the original piping. Besides, the underlying problem that led to the first leak is still there. It has to be fixed eventually. Pipe clamps are not meant to be “permanent” solutions.
All temporary changes need to be managed under the company’s Management of Change process. And best practice is to enter a “turnaround” type work order so maintenance can plan to repair/replace the leaking pipe at the next turnaround.
Temporary means Temporary !